DCSCL offers several Supported Homes for individuals with developmental disabilities who require support with acts of daily living.
These homes are well established in the community and provide person-centered care and supportive environments for the individuals, to help them live as independently as possible.
All homes are tastefully decorated, and each person has his/her own private living area. All individuals living in our homes, are supported to live satisfying, inclusive lives and be active in their community
1416 Supported Home
Opened: 2017
Accommodates: 5
Dementia Friendly
Our newest addition, this wheel-chair accessible residence was opened April 17, 2017. Located in a residential neighborhood, this home accommodates five individuals. Built with the aging population in mind, this house was designed to be ‘Dementia Friendly’. The house has extra wide hallways, large common areas and has lots of natural light and colours to promote comfort and relaxation.

115th Supported Home
Renovated: 2019
Accommodates: 5
Fully Wheelchair Accessible
Located in a nice, residential area, this fully wheel-chair accessible home underwent extensive renovations in 2019. Complete with a sunroom, people can enjoy a view of the outdoors, inclement weather or not! Also equipped with an entertainment room/sensory room, they have access to several indoor activities chosen to fit their preferences.

Canalta Supported Home
Renovated: 2019
Accommodates: 5
Individual Direct Support
Centrally placed in a quiet neighborhood, this home accommodates five people. Individuals in the home receive direct support with life skills training, recreation, and community access. They are encouraged to live fully integrated and inclusive lives within their home and community.

1334 102 Avenue,
Dawson Creek, BC, V1G 2C6

We are CARF Accredited
The Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitative Facilities has awarded the Dawson Creek Society for Community Living another three year accreditation, the highest level of accreditation available.
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