Established in February 1988, Supported Work has underwent many changes over the years but has always maintained its original mandate; to create, develop, and implement innovative services to support CLBC eligible individuals to fulfill their desire for meaningful employment that benefits their community.
DCSCL takes pride in continually working to build community partnerships and the same can be said for our Job Coaches; networking with local businesses to determine where the job market shortages are is a very important part of their job. In addition, once all the groundwork has been successfully completed and employment has been gained, the Job Coaches provide on-the-job support as necessary to ensure continued success.
Everyone that is referred to the program undergoes a thorough Discovery Process, during which any previous employment experience is considered. Job Coaches will work with each individual to assess their strengths, determine the best way to enhance their skills, seek solutions to reduce any barriers, establish employment readiness, create goals to broaden skills, etc.
For those individuals that are brand new to the world of employment, we offer a variety of job opportunities and are able to meet people where they are at in their journey.
For More Information On Eligibility.
Did You Know...
86% of people with developmental disabilities rate average or better attendance than their non-disabled co-workers.
Industry reports indicate that people with developmental disabilities consistently rate average or above average in performance, quality of work, flexibility, and safety.
Like anyone else, people with developmental disabilities just want to be involved as part of a team, be creative and productive, and make money alongside their co-workers.
Employee morale is shown to improve with a more diverse workplace.
1334 102 Avenue,
Dawson Creek, BC, V1G 2C6

We are CARF Accredited
The Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitative Facilities has awarded the Dawson Creek Society for Community Living another three year accreditation, the highest level of accreditation available.
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